SOP: LRC Levels
LRC (Legacy Readiness Conditon) Levels LRC stands for “Legacy Readiness Condition” which is largely inspired from the US Military’s “DEFCON” system (Defense Readiness Condition). It
Legacy will be going into Ashes of Creation in a similar fashion as previous MMOs, involving the forging of alliances and gaining established territory. Legacy utilizes deep logistical teams that will have all of their experience tested as we explore, map out, and conquer this new world. In coordination with our PvP and PvE Divisions, we intend on having the lion’s share of Verra under our influence.
Legacy prides itself on our layered organization when it comes to communication standards, crafting and life skill teams, all the way up to our PvP squads and siege teams. We will offer many paths for membership, called divisions, that offer members of Legacy to enjoy the game the way they want, focused on activities they enjoy most. Should the call to arms sound, it is in our nature that even our most dedicated crafters be trained well in all forms of PvP.
Imperium is the future name of the intended major node held by Legacy, located in the heart of Verra in Ashes of Creation. Imperium will be home for all, offering features that transcend that offered by other guilds and nodes competing around the world. Aside from the normal perks of being the largest and most advanced node, those who live and work within Imperium will be offered external resources, such as guides, progression services, and more.
Node Type
Imperium’s node type will be determined once we have more information, but we are currently heavily leaning Scientific due to the bonuses that apply to our general gameplay style. There are possibilities that we may even branch out to have influence over other nodes as well. Time will tell as the scope of Ashes of Creation is vast and our expectations have to be honed with reality.
We are recruiting hardened gamers with a passion for min-maxing and theorycrafting. We offer numerous divisions for members in Ashes of Creation with Legacy. Divisions offer tasks and jobs on a voluntary basis to members that the guild needs, and all are found on our “contract board” in Discord. As a member outside of primetime events, you can decide to fulfill tasks from one of the eight divisions. As you fulfill tasks you earn points towards those divisions and eventually cosmetic titles and rewards not only for progressing in different career paths, but overall for helping the guild. Contracts can even be posted by members of Legacy to get assistance from other members, such as a crafting request/contract from a PvPer to make a badass sword. As a dedicated crafter, you could fulfill that contract and help a member in need.
The following divisions are fully-fleshed out and will be organized officially moving into Alpha 1 and beyond. Should you decide to join Legacy, put some thought into how you wish to specialize in the guild and make a name for yourself!
Shotcallers, Admirals, Captains
Gatherers, Processors, Crafters
Vanguard, Escorts, Clearance
Transport, Builders, Surveyors
Scouts, Agents, Shadows
Trainers, Writers, SMEs
Traders, Bankers, Investors
Diplomats, Liasons, Reps
We’ve been around a long time. Over the years, we’ve picked up on what works for us to remain a successful guild game to game. We throw out the nonsense, and keep the core of what makes gaming fun. The articles listed below are what makes us tick. Take some time to learn more about how we handle PvP, or PvE. You might enjoy learning more about our logistics processes as well.
LRC (Legacy Readiness Conditon) Levels LRC stands for “Legacy Readiness Condition” which is largely inspired from the US Military’s “DEFCON” system (Defense Readiness Condition). It
SOP: PvP and Comms Brevity Understanding what terms means during PvP calls is important to any guild member, and even to our allies and friends
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