Our defined differences between Casual, Semi-HC and Hardcore
The following section reflects more details and specifications regarding the organization in Legacy in regards to tiers:
The purpose of this section is to define what separates Casual, Semi-HC, and Hardcore players desiring to play in the chapters, and how we separate “Hardcore,” “Semi-hardcore,” and “Casual.”
Casual Requirements and Expectations:
- Any Legacy Core member.
- No expectations except to have fun.
Semi-HC Requirements and Expectations:
- Must be able to run the game reliably.
- From both your computer and internet.
- Consistent complaining of PC lag or internet lag holds the possibility of demotion to Casual.
- Must be able to commit to scheduled PvP events.
- If you are unable to make it you need to inform the Squad Leads/PvP Officers.
- This allows your slot to be freed up for another member without delay.
Hardcore Requirements
- Hardcore PvP members must be proficient with current strategies.
- These strategies are discussed in meetings pre/post-launch. You attend these meetings and/or are accountable for the information from those meetings.
- Must be able to run the game reliably.
- From both your computer and internet.
- Consistent complaining of PC lag or internet lag holds the possibility of demotion to T2.
- Need to manage constant buff rotation.
- Must power-level at launch.
- Must be able to commit to scheduled PvP events.
- At least 3 events a week or 6 days over 2 weeks.
- If you are unable to make it you need to inform the Squad Leads/PvP Officers.
- If you fail to perform then your spot will be freed for another member.
- Every month Hardcore must re-test their skills.
- This requires attendance in weekly PvP Tournaments.
Chapter-Specific Requirements
Each game is vastly different and it should be expected that in addition to the guidelines set here, there will be gear and attendance requirements tailored specifically to the game itself. Also note that in many chapters we offer an “elite” level that has requirements above and beyond even the basic requirements listed here.
Notes: The GMs and Council reserve the right to remove or promote members between tiers for reasons outside of official channels (gear/skill). Your compliance with our SOP is also kept in check, we do not tolerate drama.
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